Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

EAL (English as an Additional Language)

My child has English as an Additional Language

English as an additional language (EAL) refers to learners whose first language is not English. It can include the following: 

  • Pupils arriving from other countries and whose first language is not English
  • Pupils who have lived in the UK for a long time and may appear to be fluent, but who also speak another language at home. These pupils are often not entirely fluent in terms of their literacy levels.
  • Pupils who have been born in the UK, but for whom the home language is not English (e.g. Bengali children who are born in the UK, but arrive at school with very little English due to having spoken only Bengali at home and within the community)
  • Pupils who have a parent who speaks a language other than English and the child communicates in that language (i.e. bilingual children)


Click on the link in blue to read 'What Rainham Village Primary School can offer?'  

Useful links to support EAL Pupils

Home learning for EAL Pupils suggested by The Bell Foundation

Levels of proficiency in English